How Much is a 2011 GT500 Worth? w/video
Every year gamers from around the US gather near Dallas Texas for the gamers Woodstock know as QuakeCon. QuakeCon is an annual 4 day event for gamers to veg-out and play their best. The sponsor of QuakeCon, Ventrilo, held a raffle this year with the desirer to give away two 2011 Ford Shelby GT500‘s. With only 100 tickets handed out your chances of winning were actually quite good.
Every year gamers from around the US gather near Dallas Texas for the gamers Woodstock know as QuakeCon. QuakeCon is an annual 4 day event for gamers to veg-out and play their best. The sponsor of QuakeCon, Ventrilo, held a raffle this year with the desirer to give away two 2011 Ford Shelby GT500‘s. With only 100 tickets handed out your chances of winning were actually quite good.
As the story goes, only minute before the raffle drawing one man seemed to think that $200 was worth his ticket. Sadly, that was the ticket first drawn. If selling your GT500 winning ticket wasn’t bad enough, he was right at the stage and had the story told to everyone around and was caught on camera to find its way to the internet. What kind of gamer would really want a 540 hp all aluminum block GT500 anyway…
Check out the video from Viemo:
Quakecon 2010: Attendee Blunder of the Year from Daniel Harris on Vimeo.